Media Archives
Press Releases
Press Statement – Jentayu appoints former Deputy State Secretary of Sabah to be independent board member

An article in The Edge, entitled “JSB – For a sustainable future”
An article in The Edge, entitled “JSB – For a sustainable future”, details major recent developments for our company, and charts our future ahead. Link:

Article by JSB’s Executive Chairman: “Electrifying windows of opportunity in Sabah”
An article authored by Jentayu Sustainables Berhad’s very own Executive Chairman Datuk Haji Beroz Nikmal Mirdin exploring ways forward for Sabah’s Electrical Supply Industry (SESI), published in the Daily Express

ILON for Project Oriole and Securities Commission approval for acquisitions received
Jentayu Sustainables Berhad is pleased to make two key announcements. The first is that Project Oriole has achieved a major milestone in its approval process, as we have now received

Kunjungan Hormat ke YAB Menteri Besar Perlis, Tuan Mohd Shukri Ramli
Isnin lalu (18/3/24), beberapa wakil pengurusan tertinggi Jentayu Sustainables Berhad membuat kunjungan hormat kepada YAB Menteri Besar Perlis, Tuan Mohd Shukri Ramli di pejabat beliau di Kangar. Antara perkara yang